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Books on my journey
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In this post I will write down a list of technical books, articles and podcast that I find interesting. I hope that someone will find it interesting as for me.
Not all the books I’ve read are listed here, only the ones I would like to suggest.
Technical Books I’ve read
Designing Data-Intensive Applications
This book is the one you MUST read if work with data. Since data is everywhere in modern software engineer, everyone must read it.
It is not too detailed about some advanced aspects, but a rich bibliografy and a good style of writing compensate it. Martin Kleppman is a researcher and you can find it reading the book.
I liked it so much!
Designing Distributed Systems
This book provides repeatable, generic patterns, and reusable components to make developing reliable systems easier and more efficient—so you can free your time to focus on core development of your app.
I’ve learnt so much from this book and it is a great reference for me during my work.
Elixir in action
Leaning a new programming language is always a new challenge.
You could extrapolate some best practices and approaches that you could bring to your everyday work life, also using other programming languages.
Recently I have read Elixir in Action and I’ve found it a very interesting book.
I don’t know if I will ever work with Elixir but I like this language. I like the clearness and the power of the BEAM platform which has been brought back to our times by Elixir in a fancy and modernized style.
I’ve found this book very interesting and helpful. The author expresses advanced concepts with clearness and passion.
The art of multiprocess programming
I like the part “The art of…” in the title of this book and I think it is the best way to express this concept.
This book is a detailed guide to multicore programming and provides comprehensive coverage of the principles, algorithms, and tools necessary for effective multiprocessor programming.
I have had the opportunity to use it as a texbook during the course of Parallel Programming at the university and I thought it might be one of the books to keep during my journey.
Microsoft Application Architecture Guide
This was the first book about architecture I have read and, you know, truly first love is not forgotten.
Some of those patterns are now deprecated but the book is still a good guide to learn how to read and analyze architectures.
Artificial Intelligence - A modern approach
At the end Artificial Intelligence didn’t hit me, but this book is very good to start and to go deep in the Artificial Intelligence.
UNIX Network Programming
This is like the bible for programmers.
The book focuses on the design and development of network software under UNIX and it is for programmers seeking an in depth tutorial on sockets, transport level interface (TLI), interprocess communications (IPC) facilities under System V and BSD UNIX.
Programming with distributed objects - Java RMI
This books teaches you the foundation of Remote Procedure Call, starting from the explanation of the problem, developing a custom solution, then will explain you how to master Java RMI.
Technologies used in this book are quite old and deprecated, but the theory behind them is still used in modern RPC (i.e. gRPC)
Functional Programming in Python
It was fun to read this book but… please, don’t do this. Python is not a functional programming language. If you like functional programming, use a functional programming language.
The Go Programming Language
Even though Go is one of my favorite programming languages, this book is not one of my favorite books.
I’ve read pieces of it when I was curious about some aspects of the language, but, after all, it didn’t hit me.
Technical Books I am going to read
Technical articles
- The End of an Architectural Era(It’s Time for a Complete Rewrite)
- Go To statement considered harmful
- SOLID, GRASP, and Other Basic Principles of Object-Oriented Design
- Why Your Microservices Architecture Needs Aggregates
- Performance Under Load
- 4 Microservices Caching Patterns
- Keep your Microservices Clean Using the Twelve-Factor App Principles
- Take OpenTracing for a HotROD ride
- Yes, Python is Slow, and I Don’t Care
- Dear Graduates, You’re Not “Junior Developers”